About Us
- 1994 - Hyatt Regency Crown Center
- 1995 - 1996 - Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill
- 1997 - Marriott at KCI Airport
- 1998-1999 - Smithsonian Institute of American History, DC
- 1999 - Capitol Children's Museum, DC
- 2000-2002 - National Children's Medical Center, DC
- 2001 - Rockefeller Center, NYC
- 2002 - Union Station Kansas City
- 2002 - Omni Richmond Hotel
- 2003 - The James Center, Richmond, Virginia, Largest GBL in history
- 2004 - Sheraton Richmond West
- 2005 - Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
- 2006 - 2009 - The Mall at Robinson, Pittsburgh, PA
- 2007 -Holiday Inn University of Pittsburgh
- 2008 - Gateway Towers Pittsburgh
- 2010 - One Oxford Centre Pittsburgh
- 2011-2012 Station Square Pittsburgh
- 2013 -- New York Hall of Science
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